Wednesday, February 17, 2010

My life right now

Right now I have it soo easy. Chase just got potty trained! Yay no diapers for a couple months. My kids sleep in bunk beds and sleep through the night. I only make one thing for dinner. The kids help clean up, and can entertain themselves (most of the time). I have to do 1-2 loads of laundry a day to keep up and we do the dishes about twice a day(that's what happens i guess when you have no $ and can't eat out). But pretty soon everything is going to be turned upside down. I'm so out of baby mode. What am I going to do?


Anonymous said...

The 3rd really rocked my world!! Kind of like the 1st does but you have 2 others to deal with. The hard thing is the strange squeaks that the baby makes in the night... seriously it kept me up all night for the first week. Enjoy your two!! Three is tough but after about 5 months.. life is normal. I told Ryan after we had Brooklyn (who is our EASIEST baby) that I think we are done. Now... I am fine with the idea of having more.. only in a few years.

The Tanner Family said...

2 wa so nice...those were the days:) Enjoy it for the next 3 months:) Was Chase really easy to potty train?...GAvin will do good for a little while and then totally flunk out.

McCall said...

reading that makes me want to cry. right when life as a mother seems to simplify - you are bringing one of the most complicated things into your home... a new baby.

good luck! i will pray that you will have an easy baby - just for your sanity!

Heather said...

I totally know how you feel!! I dont even know where to start baby proofing my house!

Lindsay Griffeth said...

Adding a child definitely alters life but I have to say I am really enjoying having a newborn in the house. And you know I am not a fan of newborns. :) Hopefully he will be a good baby & Connor and Chase will continue to entertain each other!