Sunday, November 30, 2008


That was no thankgsgiving dinner I have shingles!!! So if your child hasn't had their chickenpox vaccination don't come near me.


Lindsay Griffeth said...

You poor thing! Let me know if I can do anything for you!

Sarah said...

oh my I'm so sorry Michelle. I hope you get better soon. I hear those are awful. My MIL gets them really bad.

Katie said...

That is horrible! How did you get them? Anything to do with that spider bite you think?

The Roe Family said...

I should be more specific. There was no demon spider. Those wierd bumps were shingles.

Jen and Buzz said...

Oh Michelle...That is NO fun!! I am so sorry, and hope you get feeling better.

McCall said...

i am so sorry. that is not fun.

Camille said...

tell cachay to keep away! he he People should vaccinate!! That is crazy you got shingles- so random. Didn't you vaccinate?! LOL
Well sorry to hear that, hopefully you get well soon.
Does it hurt??

RCA said...