Thursday, March 13, 2008

Don't pay any attention to my messy house, but isn't this funny!?! Connor really is dead asleep here.


Shauna said...

FUNNY. I bet you are loving this. Connor is kind of a tough guy to get to sleep normally, isnt he?

Nan said...

So cute. I have a picture of Emily standing up next to a couch sound asleep w/ her head on the couch. She was only 1 & I have no idea how she supported herself.

We'll take any sleep we can get, right?

Camille said...

that's COnner? IT looks like Chase?? Anyway, too cute, I have an almost identical pic of Noah. LOL

Trav, Crystal, Carson, Cooper, and Chasely said...

What messy house??? That's nothin, my house looks like that after Carson has been awake for less than 5 minutes! I am curious how the church calling is going, ward chorister??? I bet you are a pro by now or you've asked to be released. We miss you guys! This pic of Connor is hilarious!

robin said...

Could you imagine if we did that? Just fell asleep while we were doing laundry or something. Funny, Connor is so much fun.

Ashlie said...

Kids find the weirdest, funniest possible ways and....fall asleep. What the heck? That is really funny. Oh, and the messy house thing-yea right. You can't possibly have a 'clean' house when you've got 2 boys.

familyof4 said...

That is funny!

Lindsay Griffeth said...

That is great. Love it!

M said...

that's hilarious. I wish we could see that darling boy. He just looks so big.

Mike and Audrey said...

Michelle! Holy Crap how are you? Your family is so cute, I cannot believe you have two kids that's crazy! I hope all is well with you guys, I hope we can keep in touch this way. We're just barely catching on to this blogging craze, and still trying to get the hang of it. How is Brynn doing? Do you still keep in touch?

Jen and Buzz said...

Isn't it amazing that when they get tired enough they can fall asleep ANYWHERE. What a cute picture! I hope all is well.

JO said...

That is a great one. It will be so fun for him to look back on when he gets older.